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作者:毛琦梁 出版日期:2018年07月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14558 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”欧亚合作蓝皮书 所属图书:“一带一路”欧亚合作发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文基于产品空间理论,直观观察东亚各国与中国典型区域的产业升级历程与产业升级特征,以期为中国区域产业升级提供理性路径选择。研究发现,东亚国家的产业升级路径是以劳动力密集型产业为基础逐步实现产业升级,并表现出以劳动力密集型产业转移为主要特征的“雁阵模式”。这种路径本质上是通过发展劳动力密集型产品来学习和积累生产能力禀赋,逐步具备较为复杂的知识和能力,以此实现较为快速的由低附加值向高附加值的产业升级。其重要启示在于,国家初始的产品空间起点... 展开



Abstract:This article uses the product space theory to analyze the process and characteristics of industry upgradation in East Asia and certain parts of China,to find a rational path for China's regional industry upgradation. This paper suggests that East Asian countries upgrades their industries from labor-intensive industries gradually and the transfer of labor-intensive industries is characterized by the geese pattern. The essence of this ... 展开

Abstract:This article uses the product space theory to analyze the process and characteristics of industry upgradation in East Asia and certain parts of China,to find a rational path for China's regional industry upgradation. This paper suggests that East Asian countries upgrades their industries from labor-intensive industries gradually and the transfer of labor-intensive industries is characterized by the geese pattern. The essence of this path is developing labor-intensive products to learn and accumulate production abilities,and acquiring more complex knowledge and capabilities gradually,so as to achieve a relatively rapid industry upgradation from low added-value to high added-value. The important revelation is that initial product space is critical to a country's industry upgradation path-choosing,which is particularly important for national development. Based on findings on industrial upgrading in certain regions of China,there are some similarities between these regions' overall labor division and some Southeast Asian countries. This comparision indicate that China's regional industry upgradation will face fierce competition from some low-wage Southeast Asia countries. China needs to find a unique path for industry upgradation.


