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作者:郑春荣 出版日期:2018年06月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18913 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2018):默克尔4.0时期的德国何去何从 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“默克尔4.0政府”确立了“欧洲新觉醒、德国新动力、国家新团结”的目标。从“三和弦”的关系看,无论是“欧洲新觉醒”,还是“德国新动力”,最终都是为了实现德国“国家新团结”。本次大选的两个输家基民盟/基社盟和社民党在组成联合政府后,把国内政策的重心放在了民生问题上,重点解决国内社会的分化问题,力求重塑德国社会的团结。“大”联合政府的行动能力有所缩水,最大的挑战在于如何面对德国另类选择党在联邦议院内外发起的“攻击”。在外交上,德国新政府“立足... 展开



Abstract:The “Merkel 4.0” government has set itself the objective of achieving “a new departure for Europe,a new momentum for Germany and a new cohesion for our nation”. Within this “triad”,not withstanding the “new departure for Europe” and the “new momentum for Germany”,all efforts are eventually serving one ambition:“a new cohesion for our nation”. After the general election,the two losing camps-the CDU/CSU and the SPD-form... 展开

Abstract:The “Merkel 4.0” government has set itself the objective of achieving “a new departure for Europe,a new momentum for Germany and a new cohesion for our nation”. Within this “triad”,not withstanding the “new departure for Europe” and the “new momentum for Germany”,all efforts are eventually serving one ambition:“a new cohesion for our nation”. After the general election,the two losing camps-the CDU/CSU and the SPD-formed a coalition government,focusing their domestic policy on citizens' daily life,especially addressing the social divide and the rebuilding of social cohesion.The “grand” coalition suffers from a shrinking scope of action and faces its biggest challenge in deciding how to deal with the “attacks” that the AfD launches from inside and outside of parliament. In foreign policy,the new government is based on the recognition that“global challenges need European answers”. It will continue the active and productive foreign policy pursued by the previous government,recognizing that “Europe has to take its fate into its own hands” by increasing its engagement. Currently there is a window of opportunity for reforming the EU. But not much time is left for Germany and the EU,as the 2019 election for the European Parliament will be on the agenda soon after the summer. If no early breakthroughs are made on such issues as Brexit,EU reforms,etc.,the anti-EU populists' knives will be out.


