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作者:昝涛 出版日期:2018年04月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9722 字 所属图书:新丝路学刊 2018年第1期(总第3期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:As the Chinese version of globalization,“the Belt and Road” initiative has proposed an opportunity for the Chinese scholars to further their studies in the field of history,culture,national conditions and the bilateral relationship with China of the area/countries along the Silk Road. With the investments of more resources into the Chinese academic institutions,it is expected that the humanities and social sciences related to th... 展开

Abstract:As the Chinese version of globalization,“the Belt and Road” initiative has proposed an opportunity for the Chinese scholars to further their studies in the field of history,culture,national conditions and the bilateral relationship with China of the area/countries along the Silk Road. With the investments of more resources into the Chinese academic institutions,it is expected that the humanities and social sciences related to the Silk Road will develop quickly. It is safe to say that the world is witnessing the emergence of area studies with Chinese characteristics,which is potentially and closely related to the redefinition of the Chinese identities and China’s relationship with the world system/order in the remaining years of the first half of the 21st century.


