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作者:包冰锋 出版日期:2018年03月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10960 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 总第三十四辑 (2017年第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在韩国的民事诉讼中,不仅有诉讼和解制度,还有诉讼调解制度。诉讼和解是指双方当事人在法院就纠纷解决的合意进行一致意思表示的终结诉讼的方式。对于调解,韩国于1990年制定了统一的《民事调解法》,将民事纠纷全面纳入法院调解的范围。在解决民事纠纷过程中,诉讼和解与调解制度充分运用了当事人的合意和理性观念,不但提高了纠纷解决的效率,而且减轻了法院的审理负担,对稳定社会、维系人们之间的情感起着不可忽视的作用。但是在韩国法律方面,诉讼和解与调解制度也有... 展开



Abstract:In South Korean civillitigation,there is not only reconciliation,but also mediation.For the former,it refers to both parties expressing their consensus in the resolution to a dispute in issue in front of the court,thus bringing an end to the litigation.As for mediation,South Korea promulgated in 1990 a Civil Mediation Law,including civil disputes into the jurisdiction of court mediation.In resolving civil disputes,reconciliatio... 展开

Abstract:In South Korean civillitigation,there is not only reconciliation,but also mediation.For the former,it refers to both parties expressing their consensus in the resolution to a dispute in issue in front of the court,thus bringing an end to the litigation.As for mediation,South Korea promulgated in 1990 a Civil Mediation Law,including civil disputes into the jurisdiction of court mediation.In resolving civil disputes,reconciliation and mediation have attended to the consensus and rationality on the part of the disputing parties,which not only improves the efficiency of dispute resolution,but also alleviates the juridical burdens on the court.It thus has played an indispensable role in maintaining social stability and interpersonal relations.Nevertheless,in the South Korean law,there is a clear difference between reconciliation and mediation.A coordination between their development can offer many lessons for China to learn from.For instance,the implications can include a reasonable positioning of court mediation,a greater emphasis on the reconciliatory role by the court,and the establishment of a scientific mechanism to build consensus.


