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作者:杨伯江 出版日期:2018年04月 报告页数:29 页 报告大小: 报告字数:29307 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2017年安倍晋三率自民党赢得第48届众议院选举,向着借“超长期执政”、以安全领域为切口实现国家战略转型的目标更进一步;提出“自卫队入宪论”,将修宪进程推入实操阶段。对外,安倍内阁以“朝鲜威胁”为抓手推动日美欧战略协调,全面坐实“新安保法”,引“北约因素”入亚太;坚持主导“不含美国的TPP”,推动“印太战略”构想,从经济和政治两方面争夺地区秩序构建与规则制定主导权。日本对“一带一路”倡议转趋积极,中日关系明显转暖,但突出的敏感问题并未得到解决... 展开



Abstract:In 2017,Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)has won the 48th Election of House of Representatives under the leadership of Shinzo Abe,taking a step towards Abe’s “extra long-term administration” and the transformation of national strategy driven by the security policy. The LDP proposes a theory of “the Self-Defense Force(SDF)into the Constitution” and implements the revision of Japan’s constitution. In terms of foreign af... 展开

Abstract:In 2017,Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)has won the 48th Election of House of Representatives under the leadership of Shinzo Abe,taking a step towards Abe’s “extra long-term administration” and the transformation of national strategy driven by the security policy. The LDP proposes a theory of “the Self-Defense Force(SDF)into the Constitution” and implements the revision of Japan’s constitution. In terms of foreign affairs,the Abe administration attempts to promote the strategic coordination between Japan,U.S and EU,put the new security legislation into practice and incorporate the NATO into the Asia-Pacific security issues. It also seeks for a leading role in the “Trans-pacific Partnership(TPP)without U.S.” and the advancement of “Indo-Pacific Strategy”. Meanwhile,Japan has taken a more positive attitude towards China’s Belt and Road Initiatives(BRI). There is a growing trend of recovery of Sino-Japanese relations,with sensitive and controversial issues remaining unsolved. The Abe administration insists on a double-track tactic in its policy towards China. The strategic competition between China and Japan has intensified,with the focus of rules and norms on multilateral and regional level and uncertainty for the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations.



