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作者:姜楠 出版日期:2018年04月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11661 字 所属丛书:伊朗蓝皮书 所属图书:伊朗发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文主要基于问卷调查结果,从中国的国家形象、国际形象、文化形象、科技形象、中伊关系及“一带一路”倡议六个方面,全面展现了伊朗青年群体对中国的印象,并对调研结果所反映出的问题进行了分析及对策研究,对中伊关系的前景进行了展望。可以看出,伊朗民众尤其是高校青年群体普遍对中国印象良好,认可中国积极、正义、公平的国际形象。尤其对中国的经济发展给予肯定,但对中国现当代政治、文化及社会情况相当缺乏了解。中伊双方在加深“民心相通”方面仍有待努力。两国... 展开



Abstract:This paper bases on the survey and tries to comprehensively show the reflection of China by the Iranian youth group in term of six perspectives,including nation's image,international image,cultural image,science and technology image,Sino-Iran relationship and“The Belt and Road”Initiative.By analyzing the reasons for these images,we predict prospects and possible questions in the relationship development,and propose the counte... 展开

Abstract:This paper bases on the survey and tries to comprehensively show the reflection of China by the Iranian youth group in term of six perspectives,including nation's image,international image,cultural image,science and technology image,Sino-Iran relationship and“The Belt and Road”Initiative.By analyzing the reasons for these images,we predict prospects and possible questions in the relationship development,and propose the countermeasures for the Chinese government.It can be seen that the people of Iran,especially the youth groups incolleges and universities,generally have a good impression on China and recognize the positive,just and fair international image of China.In particular,China's economic development is affirmed,but it is quite lack of understanding of the present and contemporary political,cultural and social conditions in China.The two sides still need to make efforts to deepen the common sense of the people.The two countries should strengthen exchanges among young people,deepen friendship and enhance their cultural influence in Iran,so as to lay a solid foundation for youth and achieve fresh blood.


