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作者:斯日古楞 特力更 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18107 字 所属丛书:民族教育蓝皮书 所属图书:中国民族教育发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:内蒙古自治区成立70年来,民族职业教育从无到有、从小到大,在起伏中不断摸索,在改革中逐步发展,取得了可喜的成就。目前,民族职业教育在全区整个民族教育体系当中的地位得到实质性的提升,在构建和谐社会、发展民族经济和建设人力资源强区中的作用也日益凸显。然而,内蒙古职业教育发展也存在诸如民族特点不突出、整体功能发挥不充分、基础能力薄弱、办学条件差、师资队伍整体素质不高等问题。今后,要加大对民族特色办学的支持和保护力度,促进民族地区职业教育健康发... 展开



Abstract:Since the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was founded 70 years ago,the ethnic vocational education in Inner Mongolia has been growing out of nothing,expanding through ups and downs,developing step by step through reforms and consequently making significant achievements.At present,the position of ethnic vocational education has improved substantially in the whole ethnic education system,and the role of it has become increasingly ... 展开

Abstract:Since the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was founded 70 years ago,the ethnic vocational education in Inner Mongolia has been growing out of nothing,expanding through ups and downs,developing step by step through reforms and consequently making significant achievements.At present,the position of ethnic vocational education has improved substantially in the whole ethnic education system,and the role of it has become increasingly prominent as well in building a harmonious society,developing ethnic economy and constructing a strong region of human resources.However,there still exist some problems in the development of the ethnic vocational education in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,such as the unremarkable ethnic characteristics,incompletely exercised function,weak basic capacity,poor school-running conditions,and low quality of faculties and so on.In the future,the support and protection of ethnic characteristic education will be strengthened to promote the sound development of vocational education in ethnic areas.The specialised training will be intensified to improve the comprehensive quality of faculties.The overall planning will be reinforced to ensure the balanced development of vocational education.



