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作者:安德万 出版日期:2017年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13438 字 所属图书:变化中的加拿大 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The US-Canada relationship formed before the Second World War is unique in the sense that it gets rid of ‘security dilemma’ in the international anarchic system,but their relationship is asymmetrical in nature. The logic of US-Canada security cooperation and collaboration is Canada contributes to its defence efforts to satisfy US,and in return,Canada’s economic prosperity is granted by cooperating closely with US. US and Canada ... 展开

Abstract:The US-Canada relationship formed before the Second World War is unique in the sense that it gets rid of ‘security dilemma’ in the international anarchic system,but their relationship is asymmetrical in nature. The logic of US-Canada security cooperation and collaboration is Canada contributes to its defence efforts to satisfy US,and in return,Canada’s economic prosperity is granted by cooperating closely with US. US and Canada faced various traditional and non-traditional threats after the 911 terrorist attacks,it is obvious and necessary to integrate their security endeavors,however,Canada is always worrying about losing its political independence,so their security integration has been stagnant in recent decade. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau wants to rejuvenate Canada’s relationship with US,but his government will face several challenges.


