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作者:周谭豪 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18824 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年国际难民问题相较2015年整体相差不大,但也取得了一些局部进展,主要是欧洲难民危机“高烧”暂缓、哥伦比亚和平进程迎来历史性突破及国际社会空前重视难民危机,并就携手应对达成空前共识。但若历史、全面地审视国际难民危机,则不难看出,上述进展仍只能算“黑暗中点缀的零星曙光”,危机实际上还在愈演愈烈。非洲、西亚和东南亚等最主要难民源更趋复杂难消,西方国家却开始“畏难而退”,逃避历史与现实责任,而作为接收难民主力的发展中国家承受度近达极限,国际... 展开



Abstract:The international refugee crisis in 2016 is not much different from that of 2015,but there are some regional progresses. The “high fever” of the European refugee crisis is brought down; there is a historic breakthrough in Colombian peace talks; the refugee crisis gains unprecedented attention of the international community which reaches consensus on working together to tackle the crisis. But,if the international refugee crisis i... 展开

Abstract:The international refugee crisis in 2016 is not much different from that of 2015,but there are some regional progresses. The “high fever” of the European refugee crisis is brought down; there is a historic breakthrough in Colombian peace talks; the refugee crisis gains unprecedented attention of the international community which reaches consensus on working together to tackle the crisis. But,if the international refugee crisis is viewed from a historical and comprehensive perspective,it is not difficult to see that these progresses are only glimpses of light through the overwhelming darkness and the crisis is still raging. Situations in other major sources of refugees,such as Africa,West Asia,and Southeast Asia,have become more complex and challenging. Western countries begin to gallop off from their responsibilities in the face of onerous challenges. Developing countries,which have been playing a key role in tackling this crisis,are close to their limits on accepting refugees and international institutions are powerless when it comes to refugee placement. The prospect of the crisis is bleak because the refugee crisis is not a top priority of the current international community and may become a leverage tool in the political power struggle,coupled with an increase in mutual distrust between refugees and governments and international organizations. The international refugee crisis may become a new normal.


