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作者:石建兵 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:32 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17963 字 所属丛书:数字经济蓝皮书 所属图书:全球数字经济竞争力发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:当代社会的经济发展已离不开完善的基础设施,数字经济时代同样依赖可靠的数字基础设施,但如何测量数字基础设施的发展尚处于研究探讨阶段。本报告主要梳理从通信基础设施到信息基础设施,再至数字基础设施的演化发展脉络,把握内在的发展趋势,设计测量模型,定义“云”“管”“端”三个维度共六个指标,结合收集和整理的数据评估全球主要国家的数字基础设施发展现状。本报告发现全球数字基础设施发展存在“一超多强”现象,但更多国家处于落后阶段。为更好地理解数字基础... 展开



Abstract:The economic development of contemporary society is inseparable from the perfect infrastructure,the digital economy also depends on the reliable digital infrastructure,but how to measure the development of digital infrastructure is still the stage of research and discussion.This paper mainly combs the evolution from the communication infrastructure to the information infrastructure,and then to the digital infrastructure,grasp the ... 展开

Abstract:The economic development of contemporary society is inseparable from the perfect infrastructure,the digital economy also depends on the reliable digital infrastructure,but how to measure the development of digital infrastructure is still the stage of research and discussion.This paper mainly combs the evolution from the communication infrastructure to the information infrastructure,and then to the digital infrastructure,grasp the inherent development trend,design the measurement model,through the definition of “cloud,channel,endpoints” three dimensions of a total of six indicators,combined Collect and collate data on the status of digital infrastructure development in major countries around the world and found the “one superpower and many” phenomenon in the development of digital infrastructure,but more countries are lagging behind,in order to better understand how digital infrastructure will serve and insight the future,in the developed model derived from the current and future-oriented indicators for infrastructure assessment found that differences in national digital base facilities development stage is large,traits are not the same,and then put forward the development trend of digital infrastructure.


