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作者:苗绿 吴菲怡 杨靖旼 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13856 字 所属丛书:国际人才蓝皮书 所属图书:中国留学发展报告(2017)No.6 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:CCG与麦可思联合调查发现,我国本科毕业生出国留学比例在过去十年间基本呈稳步上升趋势,但2016年,“211”院校的本科毕业生留学比例较上一年有所下降。本科毕业生出国留学在目标学历、留学资金来源、留学信息获取渠道等方面的变化相对较小,保持了较好的连贯性。具体来说,留学目的更趋务实,且留学回国意愿高涨。本科毕业生出国留学仍以获得硕士学历为主,攻读博士的意愿有所下降。在留学资金来源方面,家庭资助是首要经济来源,而具有良好教育背景的家庭同时具有更高的... 展开



Abstract:According to a joint investigation conducted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and Mycos,the proportion of Chinese college graduates studying abroad has kept a steady upward trend in the past decade,but those from “211” institutions declined in 2016 compared to the previous year. College graduates studying abroad,in terms of academic goals,funding source and information channels etc.,has changed in a relatively ... 展开

Abstract:According to a joint investigation conducted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and Mycos,the proportion of Chinese college graduates studying abroad has kept a steady upward trend in the past decade,but those from “211” institutions declined in 2016 compared to the previous year. College graduates studying abroad,in terms of academic goals,funding source and information channels etc.,has changed in a relatively small scale and maintained a good coherence. But to be specific,the purpose of studying abroad is more pragmatic,and the intention to return home has been increasing during the past three consecutive years. Getting a master’s degree was still the main purpose for college graduates studying abroad,and the desire to pursue a doctor’s declined. In the aspect of funding,family funding was the primary source for studying abroad,while families with a good educational background had a higher willingness to studying abroad. As for access to studying abroad information,studying abroad intermediaries became the main channel. When it comes to studying abroad destinations,North America and Asia had higher requirements for pursuing academic education compared to Oceania and Europe. Students in Europe had a higher rate of returning home,while those in the Oceania had the lowest. In terms of family economic situation and access to studying abroad information,large regional differences have been discovered from the investigation’s results.




