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作者:“英国脱欧谈判进程及其影响”课题组 出版日期:2017年12月 报告页数:48 页 报告大小: 报告字数:48224 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2016~2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:英国于2017年3月29日正式启动《里斯本条约》第50条,脱欧谈判已进行三轮。英国国内和英欧之间就脱欧的模式、条件和安排展开复杂博弈,谈判陷入僵局,短期内取得突破的可能性有限。但2017年6月大选后特雷莎·梅政府的“硬脱欧”立场有所软化,英欧双方都存在达成妥协、实现互利共赢的需求和意愿,英国政府提出的“过渡期”方案在一定程度上缓解了脱欧谈判的不确定性,同时也给英欧关系未来发展带来了更多的可能。本报告将聚焦英国脱欧谈判的进程、走向及其影响因素;追踪公... 展开



Abstract:On March 29,2017,Britain triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. The Brexit negotiations have entered the third round. Complex bargaining has begun both at home in Britain and between Britain and the EU concerning the Brexit model,conditions and arrangements. The negotiations have stalled and see little chance of a breakthrough in the short run. Nevertheless,Theresa May’s stance of a “hard Brexit” has softened after the gene... 展开

Abstract:On March 29,2017,Britain triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. The Brexit negotiations have entered the third round. Complex bargaining has begun both at home in Britain and between Britain and the EU concerning the Brexit model,conditions and arrangements. The negotiations have stalled and see little chance of a breakthrough in the short run. Nevertheless,Theresa May’s stance of a “hard Brexit” has softened after the general election in June 2017,and both Britain and the EU share the need and willingness to come to a compromise for mutual benefits and a win-win solution. The “transitional period deal” raised by the British government has mitigated the uncertainties of the Brexit negotiations to some extent and opened more possibilities for future UK-EU relations. This report will focus on the process,direction and influencing factors of the Brexit negotiations. It will trace the profound and complicated changes in British party politics,European integration and British foreign policy brought about by the developments of the Brexit process,with special analyses of the impact of different Brexit negotiation outcomes on international financial industry and China-UK relations.


