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作者:唐涛 出版日期:2017年10月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11207 字 所属丛书:全球信息社会蓝皮书 所属图书:全球信息社会发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“一带一路”的“五通”的任何一个方面都离不开网络互联、信息互通。但从全球互联网连接来看,“一带一路”沿线上只有一些重要节点城市是网络连接的枢纽,如北京、上海、香港、台北、新加坡、孟买等,但在中亚、西亚、东南亚和南亚部分地区、中东部分地区,特别是战乱地区互联网宽带等信息基础设施覆盖率较低。这些国家和地区对信息基础设施的提升有着较大需求,未来发展潜力巨大。中国以中阿网上丝绸之路、中国-东盟信息港等为依托向外提升网络互联互通水平,并加速国家... 展开



Abstract:Cyber networking and information connecting are indispensable for every single item of “The Five Connectivities” of The Belt and Road Initiative.However,from the perspective of global network,only some certain cities along The Belt and Road which are located at the crucial nodes are the real hubs of internet connection,for example,Beijing,Shanghai,Hong Kong,Taipei,Singapore and Bombay.,while some other regions have merely a... 展开

Abstract:Cyber networking and information connecting are indispensable for every single item of “The Five Connectivities” of The Belt and Road Initiative.However,from the perspective of global network,only some certain cities along The Belt and Road which are located at the crucial nodes are the real hubs of internet connection,for example,Beijing,Shanghai,Hong Kong,Taipei,Singapore and Bombay.,while some other regions have merely a poor information infrastructure coverage(internet and broadband),including Central Asia,West Asia,Southeast Asia,part of South Asia,part of Middle East,and especially in those war-torn areas.There is an urgent need for those countries and regions to develop their information infrastructure and great potential for future development.On the basis of China-Arab States Online Silk Road and China ASEAN Information Port,China attempts to raise the cyber networking and connecting level,accelerate the development of national satellite system,facilitate the construction of The Belt and Road Spatial Information Corridor and take an active part in building the Trans-Eurasia Information Superhighway.Just to mention it as an advice,we should expand the network through multiple channels such as the land,sea and air ones and try to make a breakthrough from the network and connection of the secondary regions' internet information,in order to reinforce the Sino-foreign cooperation in information infrastructure construction.


