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作者:〔以〕魏凯丽(CariceWitte) 〔以〕耶胡达(YehudahSunshine) 出版日期:2017年08月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23956 字 所属丛书:以色列蓝皮书 所属图书:以色列发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着中以两国联系的不断加强和以色列日益敏锐地意识到“一带一路”倡议在政治和经济方面对全球秩序可能产生的影响,以色列对中国事务的参与也随之不断增多。这种参与的事例包括以色列以创始成员国的身份加入亚投行,积极参与事关中国的安全事务、资源管理以及学术和技术创新的各类项目。以色列还以其地理位置所具有的战略价值,在中国商品出口到非洲和欧洲市场的过程中发挥了重要作用。而以色列硅谷在日新月异的技术变革中所具有的优势,也使得以色列能更好地参与“一带一... 展开



Abstract:Israel’s growing ties to the PRC and its increasingly astute understanding of the possible political and economic impact of the BRI in the global order has brought about a rise in Israeli engagement with China. Examples include Israel’s charter membership and participation in the AIIB and various projects in the context of security,resource management,academia and technological innovation. Combining the strategic value of Israel’... 展开

Abstract:Israel’s growing ties to the PRC and its increasingly astute understanding of the possible political and economic impact of the BRI in the global order has brought about a rise in Israeli engagement with China. Examples include Israel’s charter membership and participation in the AIIB and various projects in the context of security,resource management,academia and technological innovation. Combining the strategic value of Israel’s physical location,(which could play a role in the transport of Chinese goods to African and European markets)with the game changing technological advancements being developed in ‘Silicon Wadi’,Israeli expertise appears to have many applications within the BRI especially in the fields of security,big data and water management.



〔以〕魏凯丽(Carice Witte):〔以〕魏凯丽,中以学术交流促进协会(SIGNAL)创始人兼执行董事。

〔以〕耶胡达(Yehudah Sunshine):〔以〕耶胡达,中以学术交流促进协会(SIGNAL)研究主管。