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作者:侯艾君 出版日期:2017年04月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16974 字 所属图书:国别和区域研究(第1、2期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“丝绸之路”概念在1877年提出后,就成为东西方经济、文化交流的象征,成为文化符号。但是,俄罗斯帝国和苏联存在的时期,“丝绸之路”是一块禁脔,他国不得染指,而持续数十年的“冷战”更是隔绝了欧亚大陆内部各民族的交流往来,直到苏联解体前后才开始了复兴新“丝绸之路”的进程,新独立国家都希望新建交通设施尽量避开俄罗斯,避免再入俄罗斯窠臼,对其形成倚赖。各国都纷纷与伊斯兰世界各国、欧洲和美国,以及中国、日本等国建交并发展合作。同时,各大国进入中亚、... 展开



Abstract:Ever since its proposal in 1877,the notion of “Silk Road” has become a symbol of the economic and cultural exchanges between East and West. However,the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union made the “Sild Road” an exclusive domain,where no meddling from other countries was allowed;the “Cold War” cut off the exchanges among various ethnic groups inside the Eurasian continent for several decades. It was not until the disintegrat... 展开

Abstract:Ever since its proposal in 1877,the notion of “Silk Road” has become a symbol of the economic and cultural exchanges between East and West. However,the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union made the “Sild Road” an exclusive domain,where no meddling from other countries was allowed;the “Cold War” cut off the exchanges among various ethnic groups inside the Eurasian continent for several decades. It was not until the disintegration of the Soviet Union that the revival of the new “Sild Road” began its process. In 2011,the US designed its “New Sild Road” strategy,trying to absorb the Central Asian countries to participate in energy and transportation projects,with China and Russia being excluded and Iran isolated,with a view to reducing China and Russia’s impact on Central Asia. China’s “New Sild Road Economic Cooperation Belt”,by playing down the geopolitical color,is aimed at avoiding some of the negative interference on one hand and on the other crack the so called “China threat” theory once prevalent in Russia,Central Asia and some other countries,and steadily advance China’s interests in Central Asia. Therefore,it is conducive to promote the rapid economic development and longterm stability along China’s northwest border through linking China with Central Asia,Middle and Near East and Europe with geo-economic means.



侯艾君:侯艾君 博士,中国社会科学院世界历史研究所副研究员。