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作者:王鹏辉 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13900 字 所属图书:西北民族论丛(第十四辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:清末黄兴确立在湖南“雄据一省”与“各省纷起”的区域联动革命道路,举起汉族族裔民族主义的旗帜,跟随孙中山实施东南沿海边疆革命的方略,忽视了非汉族群聚居的西北陆地边疆。黄兴强调以武汉为中心与以两广为中心的东南沿海边疆革命的区域联动,形成中国东南大区域的“东南中国”空间观。辛亥革命之后,黄兴展开对满、蒙、回、藏等族聚居的西北边疆的国土规划和社会民生的建设事业,其国家建设方略又凸显了中国大区域的“西北中国”空间观。“东南中国”的革命和“西北中... 展开



Abstract:In the late Qing Dynasty,Huang Xing established at Hunan “xiong ju yi sheng” and “ge sheng fen qi” region linkage of revolutionary road,launched the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty ani-Manchu armed revolution,implemented the southeast coast of the frontier revolutionary strategy together with Sun Yat-Sen,ignoring the non-Han ethnic groups inhabited the land northwest frontier. Huang Xing stressed that Wuhan as the Center and Gua... 展开

Abstract:In the late Qing Dynasty,Huang Xing established at Hunan “xiong ju yi sheng” and “ge sheng fen qi” region linkage of revolutionary road,launched the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty ani-Manchu armed revolution,implemented the southeast coast of the frontier revolutionary strategy together with Sun Yat-Sen,ignoring the non-Han ethnic groups inhabited the land northwest frontier. Huang Xing stressed that Wuhan as the Center and Guangdong and Guangxi as the center of the southeast coast of frontier region linkage of the revolution,formed large regions of “southeastern China” concept of space. After the Revolution of 1911,Huang Xing expanded Manchu,Mongolian,Hui,Tibetan and other ethnic communities in the northwest frontier territorial planning and social construction,his national construction strategy also highlighted China’s large regional “northwest China” concept of space. “Southeastern China” revolution and “northwest China” of the building constitute the historical road of Huang Xing’s “rejuvenation of China”.


