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作者:李爱慧 出版日期:2016年09月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14264 字 所属图书:华侨华人文献学刊(第三辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在相当长时间内,居美华侨华人主要来自广东珠三角地区,潮籍移民很少,直到1956年才在纽约成立了第一家潮州同乡会。20世纪70年代中期,越南、柬埔寨和老挝三国兴起的排华恶浪,迫使当地几十万华人纷纷逃亡到美国,其中有十几万人祖籍潮汕地区。他们基于历史形成的血缘地缘纽带、被排斥的共同遭遇以及谋求生存发展的迫切愿望,积极联络筹备,使得潮籍同乡团体如雨后春笋般兴起。这些团体多数诞生于80年代,短短十年间在美国加州的旧金山、洛杉矶、圣荷西等市,俄勒冈州、休... 展开



Abstract:The history of Teo-chow immigrants in U.S was relatively short compared to Cantonese immigrants. There were few Geo-chow immigrants until late 1970s and early 1980s,when the cruel Anti-Chinese Movement in Vietnam,Cambodia,and Laos after Vietnam War forced hundreds of thousands of ethnic Chinese in the three countries to flee to the U.S. A and other countries for asylum. About one hundreds and fifty thousands or so of those resettle... 展开

Abstract:The history of Teo-chow immigrants in U.S was relatively short compared to Cantonese immigrants. There were few Geo-chow immigrants until late 1970s and early 1980s,when the cruel Anti-Chinese Movement in Vietnam,Cambodia,and Laos after Vietnam War forced hundreds of thousands of ethnic Chinese in the three countries to flee to the U.S. A and other countries for asylum. About one hundreds and fifty thousands or so of those resettle in U.S were Teo-Chownese. These Teo-Chow refugees work very hardly and gradually reconstructed their lives and organizations. They set up more than a dozen of Teo-chow associations during 1980s and 1990s in many cities,such as San Francisco,Los Angeles and so on. These associations brought the Teo-Chow fellow together,helped each other,improved well-beings of them,and pass down Chinese culture,especially the unique Teo-Chow culture. They actively integrated into the U.S mainstream society,but at the same time they keep link with other Teo-Chow associations all over the world,and make connections with China. The Teo-Chow associations have became an indispensable part of Chinese communities in the U.S.


