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作者:薛力 出版日期:2017年01月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18098 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:过去一年多,全球油气价格触底后略有回升,全球经济缓慢复苏。主要产油国依然未能就限产保价达成协议,保持或扩大市场份额是这些国家的优先选项。2016年9月28日意外达成的限产协议11月份落实,效果有待观察。乌克兰形势趋于缓和但离全面解决仍有距离,俄乌能源供需“脱钩”步伐加快。亚洲与非洲能源政治热点国家形势略有好转,政府处境多有改善。拉美主要产油国经济下行导致政治动荡。全球核电长期复苏势头确立,未来重心在亚洲特别是中国。中国核电技术成功进入发达国家... 展开



Abstract:During the past year,partly because of the slow recovery of the global economy,global oil prices first appeared to hit rock bottom and then began to rise slightly. However,major oil producers have a long way to go before reaching an agreement on limiting production and maintaining a price strategy;the maintenance or expansion of market shares still remain priorities. The crisis in Ukraine is cooling down,yet the conflict is still... 展开

Abstract:During the past year,partly because of the slow recovery of the global economy,global oil prices first appeared to hit rock bottom and then began to rise slightly. However,major oil producers have a long way to go before reaching an agreement on limiting production and maintaining a price strategy;the maintenance or expansion of market shares still remain priorities. The crisis in Ukraine is cooling down,yet the conflict is still far from being resolved. Relations between Russia and Ukraine with respect to energy supply and demand are being decoupled. The situation in the Asian and African hotspots has improved as has the environment for local governments. The major oil producers in Latin America face unrest due to the economic downturn. The recovery of global nuclear energy has been secured. In the future,Asia,and particularly China,will remain at the center of these trends and China’s nuclear technology will enter the developed markets.


