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作者:胡文龙 出版日期:2014年12月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19014 字 所属丛书:产业蓝皮书 所属图书:中国产业竞争力报告(2014)No.4 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国不但是世界船舶大国,而且已经成为世界船舶工业强国之一。从竞争力走势来看,中国船舶工业国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数、显示比较优势指数、显示贸易优势指数、劳动生产率和研发经费投入强度等指标20多年来均呈逐年增长态势,但船舶工业质量竞争力指数呈逐年下降态势,值得高度警惕。从竞争力国际比较来看,韩、日、中是当前船舶市场最具国际竞争力的三个国家:韩国正处于船舶国际竞争力最强的成熟阶段,大多数竞争力指标均处于世界领先地位;日本仍是船舶竞争力强... 展开



Abstract:At present,China is not only the big country but also one of the powerful nations on the perspective of the shipbuilding industrial competitiveness. Judging by the trend of industrial competitiveness,most of the indexes,such as the international market share,trade competition index,revealed comparative advantage index,revealed trade advantage index,labor productivity index and the intensity of R&D funding,all shows a gradually... 展开

Abstract:At present,China is not only the big country but also one of the powerful nations on the perspective of the shipbuilding industrial competitiveness. Judging by the trend of industrial competitiveness,most of the indexes,such as the international market share,trade competition index,revealed comparative advantage index,revealed trade advantage index,labor productivity index and the intensity of R&D funding,all shows a gradually improved trend over the past 20 years,the exception is the index of the quality competitiveness of shipbuilding industry,which shows a declining trend. Judging by the international competitiveness comparison,South Korea,Japan and China are the top three competitiveness countries in the shipbuilding industry on the world. South Korea is the most powerful nation which is on the mature stage of international competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry,most competitiveness indexes are in a leading position in the world. Japan remains the shipbuilding competitive power,but it is very obvious that most indexes suggest its competitiveness has been a declining trend. The indexes of competitiveness of China’s shipbuilding industry have been increasing rapidly. It is very possible to catch up with South Korea and Japan in a long time,although the short term is difficult. The fact of the China’s shipbuilding industry have been to upgrade the international competitiveness in recent 20 years shows that the various policy measures and institutional mechanisms related to shipbuilding industry have a positive impact on enhancing industrial competitiveness,and has made the good actual effect in the practice. At the same time,there are still some ship industry system and mechanism of the problems to be solved:the first is the lack of systematic or normative top design of shipbuilding industry policy system and legal norms;the second is the industry policy is not conducive to innovation driven industry development;the third is the lag of micro reform on shipbuilding enterprise leading to the lack of vitality for enterprise group. Looking forward to the future,China’s shipbuilding industry is likely to be comprehensive surpassing South Korea and Japan and to be the leading position on the international industry competition world.


