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作者:王燕梅 出版日期:2014年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13245 字 所属丛书:产业蓝皮书 所属图书:中国产业竞争力报告(2014)No.4 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年,中国保持了世界第一的机械产品出口大国的地位,国际市场占有率进一步提高;但在反映贸易平衡和相对优势的其他竞争力指标方面,中国与德国、日本等机械强国相比还有较大差距。在按产业链环节分工的国际生产网络中,中国成为世界最大的加工组装基地,机械零部件的组装优势明显高于生产优势。中国机械工业竞争力提升已经到了从量变到质变的关键阶段,其转型升级不仅与所处国际分工地位相关,更受到国内体制、政策因素的影响,而世界范围内新技术和新生产方式的快速演... 展开



Abstract:China has maintained the status of the largest export country of machinery products in the world in 2013,and its international market share has further increased. However,other indicators of competitiveness which reflect the balance of trade and the comparative advantage depicted that there is still a large gap compared with that of Germany and Japan. In the international production networks based on the industry chain,China has be... 展开

Abstract:China has maintained the status of the largest export country of machinery products in the world in 2013,and its international market share has further increased. However,other indicators of competitiveness which reflect the balance of trade and the comparative advantage depicted that there is still a large gap compared with that of Germany and Japan. In the international production networks based on the industry chain,China has become the largest processing and assembly base,which causes that its assembly advantage in mechanical parts is significantly higher than its production advantage. It has stepped into a key stage from quantitative to qualitative changing in enhancing the competitiveness of China machinery industry. This transformation and upgrading is not only related to the status in international division of labor,but also influenced by its domestic institutions and government policies,and the rapid evolution of new technologies and new methods of production around the world will also considerably influence this process.


