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作者:戴凤秀 出版日期:2016年05月 报告页数:6 页 报告大小: 报告字数:4041 字 所属图书:国家国防动员与危机管理战略论之十六 外国局部战争动员典型实例透析 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:英国的防务政策强调:“确保英国及其领地的领土完整和安全;对付英国和盟国面临的任何外部重大威胁;通过维持国际和平与稳定,促进英国更加广泛的安全利益。”在这一政策指导下,英国建立了一套比较有效的国防动员体制和法规,制订了一系列比较完备的国防动员计划和措施。本文首先介绍了该国国防动员的领导体制,包括最高决策机构、军队系统和内阁系统的动员机构;其次介绍了该国国防动员制度,包括现役部队动员制度、后备役制度、动员法规、动员方法;最后介绍了该国动员... 展开



Abstract:British defense policy stressed: "ensure that the territorial integrity and security of the UK and its territory; deal with Britain and its allies faced any significant external threat; promote British broader security interests through the maintenance of international peace and stability ." Under the guidance of this policy, the United Kingdom established a set of effective national defense mobilization system and regulations, and fo... 展开

Abstract:British defense policy stressed: "ensure that the territorial integrity and security of the UK and its territory; deal with Britain and its allies faced any significant external threat; promote British broader security interests through the maintenance of international peace and stability ." Under the guidance of this policy, the United Kingdom established a set of effective national defense mobilization system and regulations, and formulated a series of relatively complete national defense mobilization plan and measures. This article firstly introduces the leadership system of the country's national defense mobilization, including the mobilization in highest decision-making body, army system and cabinet system; then introduces the country's national defense mobilization system, including active duty Army mobilization system, the reserve system, the mobilization plan and mobilization regulations; at last, it introduces the basic measures to mobilize the country, including strengthening the completion of mobile system, strengthening the strategic material reserve, enhancing the reserve mobilaztion, paying attention to the long-time steady mobilization.


