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作者:韩璐 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9879 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The Iran Nuclear Deal was signed in July 2015,exercising a great influence on the Iranian domestic and foreign affairs,with the power of the inside moderates rising and the conservatives forcefully suppressing it to prevent it from wining the upcoming parliament election and the specialist commission election. Affected with the international oil price decline and its economic structure,the Iranian economy is flagging. With the inte... 展开

Abstract:The Iran Nuclear Deal was signed in July 2015,exercising a great influence on the Iranian domestic and foreign affairs,with the power of the inside moderates rising and the conservatives forcefully suppressing it to prevent it from wining the upcoming parliament election and the specialist commission election. Affected with the international oil price decline and its economic structure,the Iranian economy is flagging. With the international sanctions called off,the inflow of international capital to Iranian market somehow satisfies the needs for the national modernization. As Rome is not built in a day,there is a long to go before the Iranian economic takeoff. The 36-year diplomatic isolation ending up,Iran is gradually integrating itself with the international society and its desire to become a SCO member state is stronger.


