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作者:高英东 出版日期:2015年06月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18065 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:20世纪初以来,美国的大麻合法化运动迅速蔓延。截至2014年底,全美50个州中已有23个州和哥伦比亚特区颁行了大麻合法立法或完成了相关议案的选民公投,大麻合法化取得了前所未有的成果。这一现象的出现是当今美国社会自由主义思潮盛行、地方经济财政陷入困境,以及制度、司法等领域中矛盾冲突加深的产物。大麻合法化是对美国联邦政府推行的“禁麻”国策的重大突破,并将使全部毒品合法化成为可能,从而吞噬半个多世纪以来美国社会在禁毒问题上所取得的道德共识和法律成果,... 展开



Abstract:Since the beginning of this century,the movement to legalize marijuana in the U.S. has spread quickly. By the end of 2014,of all the 50 states,23 states and Washington D.C. had issued the act of marijuana legalization or completed referendum. The success is hitherto unknown. The occurrence of this situation is a result of prevailing liberalism,troublesome local finance,and more conflicts in the political and judicial systems,etc... 展开

Abstract:Since the beginning of this century,the movement to legalize marijuana in the U.S. has spread quickly. By the end of 2014,of all the 50 states,23 states and Washington D.C. had issued the act of marijuana legalization or completed referendum. The success is hitherto unknown. The occurrence of this situation is a result of prevailing liberalism,troublesome local finance,and more conflicts in the political and judicial systems,etc. The marijuana legalization is a major breakthrough on the federal prohibition of drugs. It will be made possible to legalize all drugs. In that sense,it may destroy the legal and moral consensus achieved through anti-drug campaigns over half a century. It may also bring heavy losses to the global drug control. The current situation shows that marijuana legalization is a process that is hard to reverse. It seems that the only way out is to make concessions on the side of the federal government and to allow the Congress to amend the existing legislation over the prohibition of marijuana so as to reach a compromise with the states which have legalized marijuana.


