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作者:吕耀东 出版日期:2016年05月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15655 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在日本战败投降70周年之际,日本加强对外宣传日本的历史修正主义,力求让外国民众和国际社会接受日本改变“战后体制”的政治诉求。以日本也是广岛、长崎原子弹爆炸“受害者”寻求同情和支持,力邀各国政要及民众访问广岛、长崎“原爆地”。以战后日本的和平主义“国际贡献”,标榜“永久和平”。借申请世界文化及人类记忆遗产,要求联合国教科文组织改革“申遗”制度,营造对日本历史修正主义有利的公共舆论,进而淡化殖民主义和军国主义侵略历史。特别是2015年安倍首相的... 展开



Abstract:On the 70th anniversary of Japan’s surrender ending WWII,Japan strengthens the historical revisionism in its overseas publicity,attempting to get Japan’s political demand of changing the post-war regime understood and accepted by the international community. Japan tries every effort to invite foreign leaders and people to visit atomic bombing sites in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,seeking for sympathy and support for Japan as a victim o... 展开

Abstract:On the 70th anniversary of Japan’s surrender ending WWII,Japan strengthens the historical revisionism in its overseas publicity,attempting to get Japan’s political demand of changing the post-war regime understood and accepted by the international community. Japan tries every effort to invite foreign leaders and people to visit atomic bombing sites in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,seeking for sympathy and support for Japan as a victim of atomic bombing and highlighting Japanese pacifism and “international contribution”. Japan also takes advantage of applying for the World Cultural Heritage and Memory of the World and persuades UNESCO in reforming its application system,in order to create a favorable international public opinion and downplay Japanese history of colonial rule and aggression. The Abe statement marking the 70th anniversary since the end of WWII on August 14th,2015 can be regarded as an international declaration relating to its attempt for changing the post-war regime. Japan’s public diplomacy above has not helped the historical reconciliation between Japan and other Asian countries such as China and Korea. On the contrary,the historical issues have weakened the effect of Japan’s public diplomacy in softening critiques from the international community.


