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作者:丁晓星 出版日期:2015年08月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10835 字 所属丛书:中亚黄皮书 所属图书:中亚国家发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:乌克兰危机是2014年发生的最重大的国际事件之一,对国际格局、地区局势及大国关系均产生巨大冲击。中亚地区与乌克兰同处独联体地区,关系紧密,乌克兰危机对中亚地区也产生了直接影响,尤其是俄罗斯的经济危机导致中亚各国经济发展受阻,经济下行趋势明显。乌克兰危机使俄罗斯与西方关系严重恶化,中亚国家尽管在乌克兰问题上的表态中立,不愿意得罪任何一方,但今后中亚国家在俄罗斯和西方之间“左右逢源”的多元化外交难度将增大。乌克兰危机使中亚国家看到“颜色革命”... 展开



Abstract:Ukraine crisis happened in 2014 was one of the most important international issues which made great impact on the international pattern,regional situation and relations between the big powers. The region of Central Asian and Ukraine,situated in the same area of Europe and Asia,have close relations. The Ukraine crisis has exercised direct influence over the region of Central Asia,particularly to the Russian economic crisis which le... 展开

Abstract:Ukraine crisis happened in 2014 was one of the most important international issues which made great impact on the international pattern,regional situation and relations between the big powers. The region of Central Asian and Ukraine,situated in the same area of Europe and Asia,have close relations. The Ukraine crisis has exercised direct influence over the region of Central Asia,particularly to the Russian economic crisis which led to a perceptible decline of economic development in Central Asian countries. The Ukraine crisis has deteriorated the relations between Russia and the West. Although Central Asian countries stood neutral in Ukraine issue and wouldn’t like to offend any party,this would make “their bread buttered on both sides” more difficult of the multilateral diplomacy between Russia and the West by the Central Asian countries. Through the Ukraine crisis,the Central Asian countries were aware that “the color revolution” would not only overthrow their regime,toppled down their governments but split up their countries and would even lead to a war. All countries would draw lessons from this issue and focus on maintaining social and political stability.


