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作者:梁明 刘畅 出版日期:2015年09月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13504 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告No.17(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年,非洲实现对外贸易进出口总额12307.07亿美元,同比下降1.89%,较2012年大幅下降了8.74个百分点,这是自2008年世界金融危机以来,非洲对外贸易总额的再一次下降。非洲出口总额更是同比大幅下降5.83%,增长率较2012年下降了11.10个百分点,非洲对外贸易的前景不容乐观。从非洲对外贸易的商品结构来看,其能源及原材料出口所占的比重出现下降,工业制成品等产品出口所占的比重出现上升,对外贸易结构较前期出现了优化。从中非贸易来看,2014年,中非贸易额再创历史新... 展开



Abstract:In 2013,Africa’s foreign trade gets MYM 1230.71 billion with the year on year growth rate dropped significantly,dropped 8.74 percentage point and dropped to -1.89%. This is the second drop of Africa’s trade since 2008’s world financial crisis. Africa’s export dropped more significantly,dropped 11.10 percentage point and dropped to -5.83%. The prospect of Africa foreign trade is not very optimistic. From the perspective of commo... 展开

Abstract:In 2013,Africa’s foreign trade gets MYM 1230.71 billion with the year on year growth rate dropped significantly,dropped 8.74 percentage point and dropped to -1.89%. This is the second drop of Africa’s trade since 2008’s world financial crisis. Africa’s export dropped more significantly,dropped 11.10 percentage point and dropped to -5.83%. The prospect of Africa foreign trade is not very optimistic. From the perspective of commodity structure of Africa’s export,its share of oil and raw material gets dropped and its share of manufactured goods get rose. In 2014,China-Africa’s trade gets a new high of MYM 221.83 billion with a year on year growth of 5.5%. But the prospect of China’s import from Africa is not very optimistic. In 2014,China’s import value from Africa get a second drop since 2008. Look forward to the future,Africa’s foreign trade is still full of uncertainties,or continue to decline. China-Africa trade is expected to hit a record new high,but the growth rate will not be very high.



