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作者:汤伟 出版日期:2016年02月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7290 字 所属丛书:国际城市蓝皮书 所属图书:国际城市发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:埃博拉疫情在西非暴发,说明城市化和世界城市网络在传染病的发生、传播和应对过程中具有重要作用。随着发展中国家城市化进程加快,新发传染病也有所加剧。原因有三方面:城市化迫使人类与携带病毒动物栖息地产生交集,使病毒适应性增强产生变异;城市化改变传统城乡互动方式;城市尤其特大城市成为传播中心。城市应对传染病暴发的标准程式是预防、准备、反应、恢复,同时个体的卫生习惯也很重要。城市对传染病防控应进行强有力的政策干预,也需要私营部门和公民社会的合作... 展开



Abstract:The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa clearly indicates the important role of city and world city network in the emergence and spreading of infectious diseases. Modern city itself has been continuously shaped by the public health. Nowadays,with the rapid urbanization,new infectious disease not only emerges but also spread in an unprecedented pace. Three reasons can be listed:the intersection and overlapping of human and animal habit... 展开

Abstract:The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa clearly indicates the important role of city and world city network in the emergence and spreading of infectious diseases. Modern city itself has been continuously shaped by the public health. Nowadays,with the rapid urbanization,new infectious disease not only emerges but also spread in an unprecedented pace. Three reasons can be listed:the intersection and overlapping of human and animal habitat which carry new types of diseases,the mutation enhanced;Urbanization clearly changes the traditional urban-rural interaction;big city especially metropolitan cities become the spreading center,and the overall situation of prevention and control deeply related with position of global city in the world city network. When city dealing with infectious diseases,there is a standard pattern,namely prevention,preparation,response,recovery,but individual living habits play an increasingly important role. Considering the social condition and economic inequality during disease outbreak,some policy intervention is necessary. Policy intervention should be based on the data gathering,coordination between governments,private corporations and civil organizations,or various partnerships. It is needed to point that poor and disadvantaged people always stay in house,community of low-quality or Slum which does not have any health service delivery system,thus how to guarantee the supply of primary health service should seriously taken into consideration.


