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作者:吕耀东 出版日期:2015年04月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14514 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:安倍上台以来,日本对外战略及海洋政策发生了重大变化,其海洋安全战略的扩张主义、现实主义色彩日趋浓厚,已经成为影响东亚和平稳定及地区海洋安全环境的不确定因素。日本提出从“岛国”走向“海洋国家”的战略构想,与日本走向“正常国家化”,实现政治军事大国的战略目标直接关联,是日本国家发展战略的重要组成部分。日本海洋战略构想是力求通过保护所谓本土安全、海上通道及经济安全,谋求政治与军事大国化,并与美国以同盟机制掌控西太平洋海权利益。为了落实上述海... 展开



Abstract:Great changes have taken place in Japanese foreign and maritime policies since PM Abe took office at the end of the year 2012. The expansionism and realism in Japanese maritime security policy gradually strengthen,playing an unpredictable role in peace and stability in the East Asia and regional maritime environment. The strategic concept of Japanese shift from “an island country” to “a maritime power”,as an integral part of Jap... 展开

Abstract:Great changes have taken place in Japanese foreign and maritime policies since PM Abe took office at the end of the year 2012. The expansionism and realism in Japanese maritime security policy gradually strengthen,playing an unpredictable role in peace and stability in the East Asia and regional maritime environment. The strategic concept of Japanese shift from “an island country” to “a maritime power”,as an integral part of Japanese national strategy,has close connection with its goal of “national normalization” and becoming political and military great power. Through maritime strategy,Japan attempts to guarantee its “territorial safety”,the security of sea lanes and economic safety,sharing the control of the maritime interest in West Pacific region with U.S. In order,Japan deliberately intensifies the maritime tension and escalates the crisis relating in Diaoyu Islands,the East China Sea and the South China Sea,exaggerating “the China threat”,assuming an aggressive stance in implementing maritime strategy and putting pressure on China. The action that Japan takes has worsened the Sino-Japanese relations,complicated the issues concerning disputes over territory and maritime interest and brought up the uncertainty of peace and stability of regional and international community.



