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作者:杨伯江 李薇 出版日期:2015年04月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21423 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年,安倍内阁加紧落实“安保三支箭”,将“军事复国”路线付诸实践。在战败投降69周年之际,日本重新成为“能够进行战争的国家”,彻底告别了二战后以“吉田路线”为标志的战略思路与发展路径,踏上追求“全面正常化”之路。安倍“战略性外交”全面铺开,但与邻国关系的改善未见实质性进展。中日达成四点原则共识,领导人简短会见,改善关系迎来契机,但基础仍待巩固。2015年,安倍内阁将致力于整备安保法制、修订完成《日美防卫合作指针》,并积极为今后修宪制造舆论... 展开



Abstract:In 2014,the Abe administration accelerates the implementation of “the three arrows” of security policy,attempting to put the concept of “reviving the military capability of the country” into practice. On the 69th anniversary of the end of WWII,Japan becomes “a country which can engage in war” by abandoning the strategic thought and the path of development based on Yoshida doctrine in the post-war period and walking on the tra... 展开

Abstract:In 2014,the Abe administration accelerates the implementation of “the three arrows” of security policy,attempting to put the concept of “reviving the military capability of the country” into practice. On the 69th anniversary of the end of WWII,Japan becomes “a country which can engage in war” by abandoning the strategic thought and the path of development based on Yoshida doctrine in the post-war period and walking on the track of “the overall normalization”. Abe’s “strategic diplomacy” is conducted in full swing,however,Japanese relations with neighboring countries have not improved substantially. There is a sign of improvement for Sino-Japanese relations with the meeting of Chinese and Japanese leaders on APEC summit and their agreement of four fundamental principles concerning bilateral relations. However,the foundation of Sino-Japanese relations is still fragile and need to be further consolidated. In 2015,the Abe administration will focus on revision of law concerning security and defense and Japan-U.S. Defense Guideline,generating public opinion for the next step of constitutional amendment,which,meanwhile,has not gained sufficient social support and faced with constraints from both at home and abroad. The Sino-Japanese relations,in the process of historical transformation,are in the stage of “the new normal” which is characterized with the parallel of in-depth cooperation and in-depth gaming,and reflects the double sides and the stage development influenced by the double-period factor.




