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作者:胡春春 出版日期:2015年05月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:33054 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文以2014年德国文化生活的重要话题即第一次世界大战爆发100周年为考察对象,历史地梳理了存在于德国和法国等欧洲国家之间不同的纪念文化和记忆文化,并由此溯源至不同的历史叙述和书写。德国近年出版的诸多有关第一次世界大战的“整体叙述”,已经不再囿于以德国为主体的叙述模式,体现出兼顾英美叙述的“视角转移”。其中剑桥大学历史学教授克里斯托弗·克拉克所著《梦游者》获得惊人成功,甚至成为突出的文化现象。解读“克拉克现象”以及由此引发的公众和学界有关德国... 展开



Abstract:The analysis focuses on one of the most important cultural issues of the year 2014 in Germany,i.e. the centennial of the outbreak of WWI. Therefore,the still existing differences between the cultures of remembrance and those of memory in Germany,France and other European countries have to be revealed and interpreted historically,which inevitably leads to an engagement with nationally-framed traditions of historiographical narratio... 展开

Abstract:The analysis focuses on one of the most important cultural issues of the year 2014 in Germany,i.e. the centennial of the outbreak of WWI. Therefore,the still existing differences between the cultures of remembrance and those of memory in Germany,France and other European countries have to be revealed and interpreted historically,which inevitably leads to an engagement with nationally-framed traditions of historiographical narration and writing. In the numerous Gesamtdarstellungen (overall presentations) of WWI of recent times in Germany,there is a Perspektivenverschiebung (shift of perspectives) ongoing which means departure from the German-centred narrative and integration of foreign ones,among which the British and the US narratives are the most valued. As an example for such an approach the astonishing success of the book of the year “Die Schlafwandler” (the German translation of “The Sleepwalkers”) of the Cambridge historian Christopher Clark thus became an extraordinary cultural phenomenon. The interpre tation of the so-called “Clark effect” and the related public discussions and academic debates on war responsibility of Germany could be a clue to a deeper understanding of the historical consciousness and-as its construct-the identity of the German people.


