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作者:杨云珍 出版日期:2015年05月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20460 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文以金融危机和欧债危机为背景,从三个方面梳理和探讨了危机以来德国社会思潮出现的新动向。首先,以占领法兰克福运动为切入点,讨论了极左的反全球化社会运动,酿成了一股新的抗议文化,与二战后德国左翼反资本主义传统一脉相承;其次,德国政府对爱尔兰、葡萄牙和希腊等欧元区重债国家进行经济救助过程中,在国内遭到了强有力的挑战,德国选择党迅速崛起,疑欧情绪上扬;再次,在移民与融入方面,“欧洲爱国者反西方伊斯兰化运动”(简称“Pegida运动”)的异军突起,... 展开



Abstract:This article discusses trends of Germany’s social thoughts since the Great Recession from three aspects. Firstly,anti-globalization protest is considered to be the latest manifestation of a decades-old tradition of German left-wing social movements with an anti-capitalist agenda. Secondly,the German government has been vigorously challenged domestically during the process of offering financial aid to heavily indebted euro-zone coun... 展开

Abstract:This article discusses trends of Germany’s social thoughts since the Great Recession from three aspects. Firstly,anti-globalization protest is considered to be the latest manifestation of a decades-old tradition of German left-wing social movements with an anti-capitalist agenda. Secondly,the German government has been vigorously challenged domestically during the process of offering financial aid to heavily indebted euro-zone countries such as Ireland,Portugal and Greece. The party AfD and eurosceptic sentiment rise during the process. Thirdly,the emergence of Pegida has also brought the growth of anti-immigrant sentiment. And the campaign rhetoric and demonstrations of Pegida has also brought new tension in the country and also shocked the public and the academic community This paper concludes that the Great Recession and in particular the sovereign debt crisis provided a political opportunity for both the revival of left-wing anti-globalization movements and for the rise of right-wing groupings such as Pegida and the AfD. In short, Germany is experiencing a polarization of strong social movements and of anti -establishment critique.


