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作者:孙彦红 出版日期:2014年06月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8301 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年,意大利举行了战后第十七届议会选举,选举结果导致该国陷入长达两个月的政治僵局,而后组建起战后首届大联合政府。政党格局重趋“碎片化”也是该国政治值得关注之处,主要表现为非主流政党异军突出,同时两大主要政党内部均出现严重分裂。本年度意大利经济未能走出衰退泥潭,虽然已出现复苏迹象,但是从内外部环境与政策取向及影响等多方面看,目前仍缺乏强劲复苏的基础。在外交方面,延续了上年“经济外交”唱主角的特点,在欧盟框架下的“经济外交”又成为重中之... 展开



Abstract:Italian parliamentary elections took place in February 2013,resulting in a political deadlock which lasted two months. Finally,the first grand coalition since the end of WWⅡbetween the Centre-left,Centre and Centre-right parties was formed. A return to “fragmentation” of the political party structure is another noticeable phenomenon of Italian politics,highlighted by the sudden and rapid rise of a peripheral party and serious i... 展开

Abstract:Italian parliamentary elections took place in February 2013,resulting in a political deadlock which lasted two months. Finally,the first grand coalition since the end of WWⅡbetween the Centre-left,Centre and Centre-right parties was formed. A return to “fragmentation” of the political party structure is another noticeable phenomenon of Italian politics,highlighted by the sudden and rapid rise of a peripheral party and serious internal splits within the two main parties. In the year 2013,Italian economy was still stumbled in the mud of recession. In spite of some of the positive signs,Italian economy still lacks the solid basis to achieve a strong recovery given especially both the domestic and international economic environments and the trends and potential influence of its economic policies. “Economic diplomacy” still remains as the key part of Italian foreign affairs.


