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作者:彭姝祎 出版日期:2014年06月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8959 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年,法国政坛呈分裂格局,左翼政府出现不和谐之声,右翼大党则出现内讧,极端势力趁机抬头。奥朗德“新”总统政绩不佳,民意频跌。2012年,法国经济零增长,陷入停滞,从2013年第二季度起,略有好转,但整体而言,增长仍然乏力,特别是失业率高企,创下1997年以来的最高纪录。政府为应对失业出台多项措施,同时为削减巨额财政赤字而改革退休制度。2013年围绕同性恋婚姻和收养子女合法化问题,法国社会发生分裂并爆发近30年来最大的保守派示威游行。马里危机爆发后,法... 展开



Abstract:The French politics in 2013 is characterized by rows and chaos,with divergences emerging within the left-wing government,clashes between the right-wing parties and a rising position of the extreme wings. The poor performance of the “new” Hollande government led to a continuous fall of its popular support. After stagnation in 2012,the economic situation of France recovered slowly since the second quarter of 2013. However,its econ... 展开

Abstract:The French politics in 2013 is characterized by rows and chaos,with divergences emerging within the left-wing government,clashes between the right-wing parties and a rising position of the extreme wings. The poor performance of the “new” Hollande government led to a continuous fall of its popular support. After stagnation in 2012,the economic situation of France recovered slowly since the second quarter of 2013. However,its economic growth was not faring well,especially with unemployment climbing to a record level since 1997. In order to deal with the unemployment issue,the French government has carried out a series of policies. And at the same time,it began to reform the retirement system in order to cut down the huge financial deficit. Sustained protests led by opposition conservatives against gay marriages broke out in 2013,which was one of the largest-scale demonstrations in the recent 30 years. After the breaking out of the Mali Crisis,France launched military interventions against the terrorists in Mali. In addition,economic diplomacy has been taken as France’s priority in its foreign policies.


