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作者:李罡 出版日期:2014年06月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9272 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年第二季度欧盟经济恢复正增长,呈现出复苏迹象,但复苏势头脆弱。从国别来看,2013年欧盟各国的经济增长和复苏程度仍不均衡。严峻的就业形势和高企的失业率仍然是欧盟各国的一大心病。但是,2013年的欧盟经济并非乏善可陈。财政状况改善、通货膨胀率持续下降、经常项目持续改善成为该年度欧盟经济的三个亮点。为了维持经济复苏势头,欧盟采取和维持了刺激经济增长的各项措施。一是适度放松财政紧缩政策,降低财政紧缩对经济增长的消极影响;二是维持宽松货币政策,为... 展开



Abstract:Since the second quarter of 2013,the EU’s economy has shown signs of recovery,which is still fragile. Both the speed of economic growth and the extent of economic recovery remain uneven among the EU member countries. In addition,almost all the EU member countries are confronted with severe employment situation. Nevertheless,some bright spots could be seen in the EU’s economy in 2013,including,notably,reduced budget deficit,f... 展开

Abstract:Since the second quarter of 2013,the EU’s economy has shown signs of recovery,which is still fragile. Both the speed of economic growth and the extent of economic recovery remain uneven among the EU member countries. In addition,almost all the EU member countries are confronted with severe employment situation. Nevertheless,some bright spots could be seen in the EU’s economy in 2013,including,notably,reduced budget deficit,falling inflation rate and improved current account. In order to maintain the momentum for economic recovery,the EU has adopted various measures to stimulate and sustain economic growth,such as the modest relaxation of fiscal austerity,an accommodative monetary policy to inject liquidity into economic activity,and the uniform measures to promote employment. Economic recovery and growth is expected to gradually accelerate in 2014 with the implementation of favourable measures and the end of the European sovereign debt crisis.


