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作者:张敏 出版日期:2011年03月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8661 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:欧盟“欧洲2020战略”337642是“里斯本议程337643”的后续战略,不仅修订和调整了2000~2010年期间欧盟经济发展战略中未能实现或不切实际的目标,而且还提出了欧洲未来10年发展战略。本报告认为,“欧洲2020战略”对于欧盟的重大战略意义在于,积极应对当前欧洲面临的各种挑战,推进和加快欧盟结构改革,提升欧洲经济竞争力,加快向低碳经济转型。“欧洲2020战略”成功与否,取决于欧盟及其成员国的多层经济治理能力、研发创新水平和经济竞争优势,以及欧盟向低碳社会转型... 展开



Abstract:‘Europe 2020:A strategy for smart,sustainable and inclusive growth’ was approved at the EU summit in June 2010. As a follow-up to the Lisbon Agenda,‘Europe 2020’ not only revises and rectifies those targets and priorities not having been completed nor being unrealistic under the framework of the Lisbon Agenda,but also proposes a new development strategy for the next decade with an emphasis on three core objectives,five measur... 展开

Abstract:‘Europe 2020:A strategy for smart,sustainable and inclusive growth’ was approved at the EU summit in June 2010. As a follow-up to the Lisbon Agenda,‘Europe 2020’ not only revises and rectifies those targets and priorities not having been completed nor being unrealistic under the framework of the Lisbon Agenda,but also proposes a new development strategy for the next decade with an emphasis on three core objectives,five measurable targets and seven flagship initiatives focusing on R&D innovation,low-carbon economy and sustainable growth. ‘Europe 2020’ will be of great significance for the EU to actively cope with the severe challenges it is and will be facing,accelerate the structural reforms,enhance its economic competitiveness and help its transition to a low-carbon economy. Whether ‘Europe 2020’ will be successful or not depends on the multi-level economic governance,R&D innovation capabilities and economic comparative advantages of the EU and its member states and on the pace that Europe will take in transforming itself into a low-carbon society.


