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作者:《全球政治与安全报告》课题组 出版日期:2012年12月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15250 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2011~2012年度的国际形势仍笼罩在全球金融危机的阴影之下。在美国等西方发达国家力量相对下降和新兴国家力量上升的背景下,权力政治和多边机制共同决定着世界格局与秩序的走向。在传统安全领域,中东北非局势仍在动荡,叙利亚内战成为焦点。美国实施“重返亚太”战略,中美关系的地位进一步上升。在非传统安全领域,恐怖主义活动进入低潮期,能源版图中美洲板块崛起,网络空间安全的重要性迅速提升,水资源安全成为全球治理的重要议题。在中国周边,传统安全领域一些问题... 展开



Abstract:The international situation in 2012 remains shrouded in the shadow of global financial crisis.With the relative decline of the U.S.and other Western countries and the rise of emerging powers,power politics together with multilateral mechanisms have determined the world's political structure and its future development.In traditional security fields,the Middle-east and North African unrest continues and Syria is still in civil war;the U... 展开

Abstract:The international situation in 2012 remains shrouded in the shadow of global financial crisis.With the relative decline of the U.S.and other Western countries and the rise of emerging powers,power politics together with multilateral mechanisms have determined the world's political structure and its future development.In traditional security fields,the Middle-east and North African unrest continues and Syria is still in civil war;the U.S.began to deploy its strength in Asia Pacific,and the importance of Sino-US relationship keeps increasing.In non-traditional security fields,terrorism came into a low tide,the American plate rises in the global energy map,cyber security has posed new challenges to nation states,and water security has become a significant issue in global governance.In China's periphery,with territorial disputes still simmering,China has faced prominent challenges to safeguard national sovereignty and maintain the environment for peaceful development.


