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作者:王鸣鸣 出版日期:2011年01月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24428 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中低收入国家城市化加速后,城市居民面临着因人口增长、气候变化、社会两极分化等因素而加剧的“城市风险”。从已发生灾害所造成的人员伤亡和相对财产损失看,发展中国家远超发达国家。中低收入国家城市贫民的脆弱性过高,抗灾能力大大低于发达国家城市人口和本国中高收入阶层。城市贫民窟的地理位置、生活条件、人口密度等使其居民非常缺乏抵御突发灾害的能力。为降低灾害对全球中低收入国家城市贫民的威胁,联合国、各国政府、非政府组织历经10年努力在贫民窟的治理和改... 展开



Abstract:The accelerated urbanization in low- to mid-income nations has led city dwellers to face more risks of serious disasters due to population density,climate change,property gaps,and so forth. The casualties and relative property losses in the low- and mid-income countries far surpass those in high-income countries because the urban poor in the former are highly vulnerable and their capability of surviving disasters is much lower than... 展开

Abstract:The accelerated urbanization in low- to mid-income nations has led city dwellers to face more risks of serious disasters due to population density,climate change,property gaps,and so forth. The casualties and relative property losses in the low- and mid-income countries far surpass those in high-income countries because the urban poor in the former are highly vulnerable and their capability of surviving disasters is much lower than that of those in high- and mid-income level countries. The living conditions and density of the impoverished populations living in slums cannot be protected from urban disasters.In order to reduce the impact of disasters on the poor in low- and midi- ncome countries,the UN,concerned governments,and NGOs have noted that more than ten years will be required to achieve positive results in managing and renovating the slums and in providing experience for further action.


