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作者:李少军 出版日期:2011年01月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:24325 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2009~2010年度的大国关系,从总体上来讲,出现了结构性变化。一方面,美国由于深陷伊拉克战争、阿富汗战略和金融危机,掌控世界事务的能力受到削弱;另一方面,G20成为世界经济的主要论坛,表明新兴大国的地位与影响力明显上升。在这种此消彼长的态势下,中国地位凸显,跌宕起伏的中美关系成为大国关系中最重要的一对。由于双方的互动受到了权力竞争与相互依赖的双重结构的影响,因此尽管一年来双方冲突的一面趋于尖锐化,互动摆幅明显增大,但仍能保持在“斗而不破”的... 展开



Abstract:During the 2009 to 2010 period,there has been a general structural change in the relationship among the major powers.On the one hand,because the U.S. became more deeply entrapped in the Iraq war,the Afghan war,and the financial crisis,its ability to control global events was weakened;on the other hand,the G20 became the main forum for the world economy,indicating that the status and influence of the emerging powers had increas... 展开

Abstract:During the 2009 to 2010 period,there has been a general structural change in the relationship among the major powers.On the one hand,because the U.S. became more deeply entrapped in the Iraq war,the Afghan war,and the financial crisis,its ability to control global events was weakened;on the other hand,the G20 became the main forum for the world economy,indicating that the status and influence of the emerging powers had increased significantly. Due to this trend whereby one is falling and another is rising,China’s position has been highlighted and the ups and downs in Sino-American relations have become the most important pair of relations among the major powers.Because the interactions between China and the U.S. have been restricted by a dual structure,which includes both power competition and interdependence,although the conflicts on both sides have sharpened during the past year and interactive swings have increased significantly,the conflicts remain under control. In the process of the structural changes among the major powers,other rising powers are emerging to play a growing role. These new trends constitute an important phenomenon in global political multi-polarization.


