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作者:刘华芹 出版日期:2014年09月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10194 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文着重阐述了2013年上海合作组织区域经济合作的特点,区域经济合作继续保持稳步发展态势,贸易增幅趋缓,但投资增长显著,贸易投资便利化不断推进。未来除了地区安全因素外,各国经济增速放缓,尤其关税同盟的发展将制约区域经济合作进程,但是“丝绸之路经济带”建设为加强各成员国之间的经贸往来提供了新机遇。总体上,区域经济合作步入调整期。进一步推进贸易投资便利化,扩大相互贸易,扩大区域投资将为区域经济合作注入新的活力,从而为各国经济摆脱萧条创造有利条... 展开



Abstract:This paper focuses on elaborating the characteristics of the SCO’s regional economic cooperation in 2013:Regional economic cooperation continues the steady tendency of development,the rate of trade grown slows down,investment increases significantly,and the facilitation of trade investement uninterruptedly pushes on. The speed of economic growth will slow down in all the countries in the future regardless of regional security fac... 展开

Abstract:This paper focuses on elaborating the characteristics of the SCO’s regional economic cooperation in 2013:Regional economic cooperation continues the steady tendency of development,the rate of trade grown slows down,investment increases significantly,and the facilitation of trade investement uninterruptedly pushes on. The speed of economic growth will slow down in all the countries in the future regardless of regional security factors,the customs union in particular will restrict the process of regional ecnomic cooperation,but the building of the Silk Road Economic Zone will provide new opportunities for member states to consolidate trade and business between themselves. Generally speaking,regional economic cooperation has entered a period of adjustment. New dynamics will be injected into regional economic cooperation by furthering facilitaion of trade investment,and expanding mutual trade and regional investment so that favorable conditions can be created for all the relevant countries to extricate themselves out of the depression.


