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作者:姜明新 出版日期:2014年10月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26294 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告No.16(2013~2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年的中东经济面临着不太有利的内外环境:全球能源需求疲软、全球经济低迷期延长、美联储宣布要逐步退出量宽、叙利亚内战和埃及动荡及其外溢效应、转型国家内部政治的不稳定都给整个地区经济造成了负面影响。在这种复杂的内外环境下,2013年中东北非石油出口国经济在连续几年的强劲增长之后,因国际能源需求减少和油价下跌而在全球金融危机之后首次整体出现石油产量、收入同时下跌的情况,经济增长率下降造成中东北非半数的石油出口国无法平衡预算,而石油进口国经济复... 展开



Abstract:The Middle East economy in 2013 has suffered from the negative factors both in and out of the region,such as the weak demand of global energy,the prolonged period of sluggish global growth,the prospect of reduced monetary accommodation in the United States,the civil war in Syria and unstabitity in Egypt and their spillover effects in the whole region,the domestic political problems of the transitional countries. On the one hand,... 展开

Abstract:The Middle East economy in 2013 has suffered from the negative factors both in and out of the region,such as the weak demand of global energy,the prolonged period of sluggish global growth,the prospect of reduced monetary accommodation in the United States,the civil war in Syria and unstabitity in Egypt and their spillover effects in the whole region,the domestic political problems of the transitional countries. On the one hand,after several years of strong performance,the falls of oil production and oil income occur simultaneously for the first time since the global crisis in MENA oil exporters,this makes half of them unable to balance their budgets;on the other hand,the high security concerns,rising political unstability within many MENA oil importers continue to impede a recovery in investment and economic activity. As the consequence,the sluggish performance in the Middle East with growth of 2.4% in 2013 will be significantly below the growth rates necessary to reduce the region’s persistent high unemployment and improve living standards,thus reinforces delays in the economic recovery,and potentially leads to a risk of vicious cycle of economic stagnation and persistent sociopolitical strife in the region.


