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作者:汤开建 出版日期:2013年10月 报告页数:30 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25975 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第五辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:明清时期的澳门,素有“世界型的土地与海洋”之称。在这一块仅2平方公里的微型土地上,不仅居住有华人、葡萄牙人,还曾居住过为数不少的日本人、越南人、亚美尼亚人、英国人、美国人、法国人、意大利人、西班牙人、荷兰人、瑞典人、丹麦人、帕西人及南美各国人。40456088葡萄牙人东来还带来了许多航线沿岸诸国之人。他们来自不同的国家,属于不同的种族,其中黑人占了很大的比重,后来逐渐成为澳门社会中极为重要的一分子,从而形成了澳门社会一种特殊而有趣的文化景观。... 展开

文章摘要:明清时期的澳门,素有“世界型的土地与海洋”之称。在这一块仅2平方公里的微型土地上,不仅居住有华人、葡萄牙人,还曾居住过为数不少的日本人、越南人、亚美尼亚人、英国人、美国人、法国人、意大利人、西班牙人、荷兰人、瑞典人、丹麦人、帕西人及南美各国人。40456088葡萄牙人东来还带来了许多航线沿岸诸国之人。他们来自不同的国家,属于不同的种族,其中黑人占了很大的比重,后来逐渐成为澳门社会中极为重要的一分子,从而形成了澳门社会一种特殊而有趣的文化景观。关于明清时期来华黑人问题的研究,笔者所见有德国普塔克(Roderick Ptak)教授、澳门文德泉神父、金国平、吴志良先生,还有艾周昌和沐涛两位先生编写的《中非关系史》中也提到澳门黑奴问题。40456089本文拟就明代中国东南沿海及澳门出现的“黑人”现象展开深入研究,这应是颇具学术意义的课题。但必须说明的是,本文所探讨的“黑人”这一概念,并非完全人种意义上的黑种人,亦非明清文献所言“夷人所役黑鬼奴,即唐时所谓昆仑奴”,40456090其所指实是自葡萄牙、西班牙及荷兰人向海外扩张以来,他们均在各地役使有色人种为奴仆,故将比他们自身肤色深的东方民族仆隶


Abstract:Since the opening of sixteenth century,the Portuguese had brought a large quantity of people,whom were called Negro by them,from Southeast of Africa,coastal areas of Persian Gulf,Southeast of India and Southeast Asia to Macao and southeast coast of China. These man or women played different roles in this expansion. They may be mercenaries in the war,sailors in the ships,servants in Portuguese families,and someone who could spe... 展开

Abstract:Since the opening of sixteenth century,the Portuguese had brought a large quantity of people,whom were called Negro by them,from Southeast of Africa,coastal areas of Persian Gulf,Southeast of India and Southeast Asia to Macao and southeast coast of China. These man or women played different roles in this expansion. They may be mercenaries in the war,sailors in the ships,servants in Portuguese families,and someone who could speak Chinese and Portuguese became translators. For their huge number and complicated nationality,the Negro brought to the east had composed a peculiar picture in the history of Sino-West relation which draws much attention of scholars. On the basis of analyzing historical materials,in Chinese,Portuguese and other languages,activities of these Negro in Macao and southeast coast of China would be discussed in this paper,which was ignored before. And this may be helpful to complete the whole expansion-picture of Portuguese in our mind.



