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作者:范岱克(PaulA.VanDyke) 出版日期:2012年12月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:31136 字 所属图书:海洋史研究(第四辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:珠江三角洲下游地区和广州的走私活动由来已久。以往的研究表明,1820年以后内伶仃岛的违禁品贸易迅速扩展,但在1820~1842年间,该地的走私网络以及并存于这一区域的其他两个走私网络究竟如何运作,却鲜有深入研究。一般来说,依托不同的走私网络,违禁品大量进出中国的渠道彼此之间是独立运作的,不存在必然联系。上述三个走私网络,一个以澳门为中心,一个在黄埔,第三个则在内伶仃岛。1820年内伶仃岛崛起之后,很快就成为走私者偏爱的港口。造成这一现象的原因,以往的... 展开



Abstract:Smuggling between the lower Pearl River Delta and Canton has a long history.Previous studies have shown that the contraband trade expanded rapidly after it became established at Lintin Island(內伶仃島)in 1820.However,little or nothing has been said about how the smuggling network operated or about the other two contraband networks that were in operation in the delta,from 1820 to 1842.These channels through which much contraband en... 展开

Abstract:Smuggling between the lower Pearl River Delta and Canton has a long history.Previous studies have shown that the contraband trade expanded rapidly after it became established at Lintin Island(內伶仃島)in 1820.However,little or nothing has been said about how the smuggling network operated or about the other two contraband networks that were in operation in the delta,from 1820 to 1842.These channels through which much contraband entered and exited China were distinct networks that,for the most part,operated independently from each other.One of the networks was based in Macao,another at Whampoa(Huangpu 黃埔),and the third at Lintin Island.After Lintin emerged in 1820,it quickly became the favoured port for smugglers.The reasons for that happening have not been clearly understood.The Whampoa and Macao networks were in operation much earlier which raises the question,why did the contraband trade move to Lintin?Because the operations of the Macao,Whampoa and Lintin smuggling networks have never been thoroughly studied or compared,I will devote space here to show their basic structures.With a better understanding of their functions and operations,it will become clearer how and why Lintin was preferred over the others.



