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作者:李自国 出版日期:2013年09月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8359 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:上海合作组织文化合作是促进成员国人民间相互了解和沟通的重要桥梁。在上合组织第二个十年的开局之年,上合组织成员国签署了组织首份人文领域合作宣言,为今后上合组织文化合作指明了方向。2012年成员国间的文化交流活动异常活跃,在北京举行的上合组织文化艺术节活动繁多,精彩纷呈。以上合组织成员国为主体的多边文化交流活动,如亚欧博览会“中外文化展示周”、“丝绸之路”城市市长会晤等为上合组织成员国文化与人文交流增添了更多的平台。今后,加速旅游领域的合作,... 展开



Abstract:The cultural cooperation of SCO is an important bridge promoting mutual communication and understanding between SCO member states. In the opening year when SCO enters its second decade, SCO member states signed the first SCO communiqué regarding cooperation in cultural and humanity affairs, which pointed the way for the future SOC cooperation in this regard. Activities in cultural exchange among SCO member states have been extremely l... 展开

Abstract:The cultural cooperation of SCO is an important bridge promoting mutual communication and understanding between SCO member states. In the opening year when SCO enters its second decade, SCO member states signed the first SCO communiqué regarding cooperation in cultural and humanity affairs, which pointed the way for the future SOC cooperation in this regard. Activities in cultural exchange among SCO member states have been extremely lively and exuberant in 2012, and the SCO Cultural and Arts Festival held in Beijing was full of many colorful and interesting events. Multilateral cultural exchange activities centered on SCO member states such as China and Foreign Culture Demonstration Week at the Euro-Asian Exhibition Fair and the meetings of mayors of the cities along the Silk Road etc. have added more platforms for the exchanges of culture and humanities among SCO member states. In the future, accelerating cooperation in tourism and integrating enterprises into the cultural cooperation of SCO organically ought to be the emphases of SCO cultural cooperation. Only by benefiting common people, cultural cooperation will achieve real and sustained effects.


