文章摘要:2023年,非洲政治与安全形势在变乱交织中继续保持总体稳定,和平发展仍是主流。非洲多场选举平稳有序进行,选举结果基本为各方所认可,“逢选易乱”问题大幅缓解,但投票率相对较低问题值得关注。受外部大国竞争和内部治理危机的影响,非洲政治与安全形势动荡有所加剧。尼日尔、加蓬发生军事政变,布基纳法索、塞拉利昂和几内亚比绍发生未遂政变,新一轮“政变潮”继续在非洲蔓延。苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和刚果(金)内部冲突复杂难解,不仅严重破坏三国内部稳定,而且对地区局... 展开
Abstract:In 2023,the political and security situation in Africa was overall stable and peace and development remained the mainstream in a turmoil and change intertwined world. Several general elections in Africa were hold smoothly,the results were recognized by all parties and the problem of “election chaos” was infrequent,but the issue of relatively low voting rate deserve attention. However,due to the external competition among major p... 展开