文章摘要:制裁是美国通过非战争方式应对危机、遏制敌手的重要政策工具。为实现制裁目标,美国全面调动和综合运用自身和盟友的政治、外交、经济和治理能力。在2022年俄乌冲突爆发之后,美国整合西方世界力量对俄罗斯实施全面封锁、极限施压,不断加码升级制裁力度和强度,对俄政治、外交和经济形成全方位、立体式打击。美欧对俄迅速确立全面的排他性平行体系,力图在最短时间内使俄罗斯与世界贸易和金融体系完全脱钩。针对美欧发起的全面经济战,俄罗斯密集推出一系列反制措施,以稳... 展开
Abstract:Sanction is an important policy tool for the U.S. to respond to crises and deter adversaries through non-war means. To achieve the goal of sanctions,the U.S.fully mobilizes and comprehensively utilizes the political,diplomatic,economic,and governance capabilities of its own and its Allies. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022,the U.S.integrated western countries to implement a comprehensive blockade and maxim... 展开