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作者:李枏 出版日期:2024年08月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14767 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:冷战结束以来,美国对其全球战略进行了调整,但朝鲜半岛乃至东北亚地区仍是美国全球战略的重要地带,美日、美韩同盟的强化也成为美国在东北亚的战略支柱。为了维持冷战后亚太地区的霸权,美国要求韩国和日本开展比以往更紧密的双边安全合作。美日韩三边安全关系成为美国霸权下的东亚联盟体系深化的重要一环。美国构筑美日韩三边安全关系的最初目的是应对来自朝鲜的威胁,然而自拜登执政以来,美国奉行“联盟优先”的外交政策,对美日韩三边安全关系进行了新的构筑与提升,... 展开



Abstract:Since the end of the Cold War,the United States has adjusted its global strategy,but the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia are still important areas of the United States’ global strategy. The strengthening of the US-Japan and U.S.-ROK alliances has also become the strategic pillar of the United States in Northeast Asia. To maintain its post-Cold War hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region,the United States requires ROK and Japan to ... 展开

Abstract:Since the end of the Cold War,the United States has adjusted its global strategy,but the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia are still important areas of the United States’ global strategy. The strengthening of the US-Japan and U.S.-ROK alliances has also become the strategic pillar of the United States in Northeast Asia. To maintain its post-Cold War hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region,the United States requires ROK and Japan to carry out closer bilateral security cooperation than ever before. The trilateral relationship between the US,Japan and ROK can become an important link in the deepening of the East Asian alliance system under US hegemony. The original purpose of the United States to build the trilateral security relationship between the United States,Japan and ROK was to deal with the threat from DPRK. However,since Biden took office,the United States has pursued a foreign policy of “alliance first”,and the trilateral relationship between the United States,Japan and ROK has been newly constructed and improved. With the deepening of the trilateral security relationship between the United States,Japan and ROK,and the crisis in Ukraine,the trend of camp confrontation in Northeast Asia has gradually emerged. Therefore,the trilateral security relationship is undermining regional stability and peace.



