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作者:张一飞 出版时间:2024年08月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14208 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:美国研究报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2022年,出于减轻本国亚太战略压力、牵制中国主要战略关注、缩小中欧未来合作空间、配合对俄意识形态攻势、推动世界经济“去中国化”等战略目的,美国联合北约盟友共同遏制中国的行动日益频繁,力度明显加大。美国致力于将中国塑造为北约组织的新“威胁”,立足日本和韩国“迎接”北约介入亚太安全事务,推动北约在亚太地区加强军事部署,拉拢北约在更多领域与美国联合封锁中国,并以俄罗斯为“情感”工具催生北约遏华的内驱动力。这些战略行为将进一步加剧亚太安全格局的... 展开



Abstract:In 2022,in order to reduce the pressure on its Asia-Pacific strategy,to contain China’s main strategic concerns,to narrow down the future cooperation space between China and Europe,to be consistent with the ideological offensive against Russia,and to promote the world economy circle without China,the United States and its NATO allies have jointly contained China with more and more frequent and powerful efforts. The United State... 展开

Abstract:In 2022,in order to reduce the pressure on its Asia-Pacific strategy,to contain China’s main strategic concerns,to narrow down the future cooperation space between China and Europe,to be consistent with the ideological offensive against Russia,and to promote the world economy circle without China,the United States and its NATO allies have jointly contained China with more and more frequent and powerful efforts. The United States is committed to shaping China into a new “threat” to NATO,to “welcome” NATO’s involvement in Asia-Pacific security affairs based on Japan and South Korea,to promote NATO’s military deployment in the Asia-Pacific region,to have NATO jointly blockade China with the United States in more fields,and to use Russia as an “emotional” tool to promote NATO’s anti-China internal driving force. These strategic actions will further exacerbate the polarization of the Asia-Pacific security landscape and lead to the escalation of global ideological struggle. However,due to the limited prospects of cooperation of the U.S.alliance systems,the strategic pressure faced by the United States may increase rather than decrease. At the same time,the world economy and global governance will also suffer from the actions of the United States and NATO.



