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作者:任晓刚 谢贤君 出版时间:2024年06月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19102 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:全球城市文明发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新型科技赋能企业数字化转型发展,对微观企业创新活动,尤其是绿色创新活动有着重大影响,从而对城市更新产生重要作用。本报告基于2007~2019年微观企业数据,探讨了数字化转型对城市绿色创新的影响及其内在影响机理。研究表明:数字化转型的确显著促进了城市绿色创新水平。特别是深入推动数字化转型发展可显著增强城市绿色创新原创效应、协作效应和稳定效应。机制分析显示,数字化转型发展不仅促进企业技术创新和技术进步,也有助于企业价值改善和财务稳定,最终促进城市... 展开



Abstract:New technologies empower enterprises to undergo digital transformation and development,which has a significant impact on micro enterprise innovation activities,especially green innovation activities,and thus plays an important role in urban renewal. This article explores the impact of digital transformation on urban green innovation and its underlying mechanism based on micro enterprise data from 2007 to 2019. Research shows that d... 展开

Abstract:New technologies empower enterprises to undergo digital transformation and development,which has a significant impact on micro enterprise innovation activities,especially green innovation activities,and thus plays an important role in urban renewal. This article explores the impact of digital transformation on urban green innovation and its underlying mechanism based on micro enterprise data from 2007 to 2019. Research shows that digital transformation has indeed significantly promoted the level of green innovation in cities. In particular,deepening the promotion of digital transformation and development can significantly enhance the original,collaborative,and stable effects of urban green innovation. Mechanism analysis shows that digital transformation and development not only promote enterprise technological innovation and progress;It also improves corporate value and financial stability,ultimately promoting urban green innovation. Furthermore,there is significant heterogeneity in the impact of digital transformation development on urban green innovation among different enterprises’ “property rights attributes”,“technology intensive attributes”,and differences in total factor productivity and enterprise value. Among non-state-owned enterprises and technology-intensive enterprises,the promotion effect of digital transformation on urban green innovation is more significant;Whether in enterprises with different levels of total factor productivity or in enterprises with different levels of enterprise value,the promotion effect of digital transformation on urban green innovation is significant,but there are differences in the intensity of its impact. The research conclusion of this article provides reliable empirical evidence and policy inspiration for achieving digital transformation driving high-quality urban development and improving the urban green innovation policy framework.




