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作者:苏娇妮 陈梓涵 陈捷 出版时间:2024年06月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25494 字 所属丛书:城市文明蓝皮书 所属图书:全球城市文明发展报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:环境保护是生态文明建设和打造文明典范城市的重要任务,居民的亲环境行为直接关系环境事业的发展与结果。然而,对于政策干预与环境规范是如何作用于亲环境行为的研究尚缺少一个清晰、完整的解释链条,同时对数字时代的互联网使用在其中的作用未作说明。本研究基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据进行客观测量与实证分析,探讨分析政策干预感知、环境规范、互联网使用频率与亲环境行为之间的因果关系。结果表明:环境政策干预感知显著正向影响绿色公民行为和公共亲环境行为,... 展开



Abstract:Environmental protection is an important task in the construction of ecological civilization and the creation of a civilized model city. The pro environmental behavior of residents is directly related to the development and results of environmental undertakings. However,existing research on how policy intervention and environmental norms affect pro environmental behavior lacks a clear and complete explanatory chain,and the role of i... 展开

Abstract:Environmental protection is an important task in the construction of ecological civilization and the creation of a civilized model city. The pro environmental behavior of residents is directly related to the development and results of environmental undertakings. However,existing research on how policy intervention and environmental norms affect pro environmental behavior lacks a clear and complete explanatory chain,and the role of internet use in the digital age has not been explained. This article is based on the China Comprehensive Social Survey(CGSS)data for objective measurement and empirical analysis,exploring the causal relationship between environmental policy perception,environmental norms,and pro environmental behavior. The results indicate that environmental policy perception has a significant positive impact on green citizenship behavior and public pro environmental behavior,and environmental norms play a mediating role. In the digital age,the perception of policy intervention affecting pro environmental behavior through environmental norms is moderated by the frequency of internet use. The higher the frequency of internet use,the stronger the regulatory effect. Therefore,in promoting the construction of urban ecological civilization in the digital era,we should actively play the role of institutional guidance and policy propaganda,and shape good environmental value norms from top to bottom;More emphasis should be placed on the application of digital technology,especially in the areas of low and medium internet usage,which can help promote pro environmental behavior among citizens in both private and public domains. This study aims to promote the construction of urban ecological civilization in the digital age from the perspective of policy perception and environmental norms,and create a new era of ecological civilization governance pattern of co-construction,co-governance,and sharing.





