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作者:邹嘉龄 廖阳菊 出版时间:2024年03月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16862 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:海洋国际合作研究报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本报告主要分析海洋科技国际合作的发展现状,分析发现,2017~2021年,欧美发达国家是国际海洋研究的主力;随着中国不断加大对海洋研究领域的投入,中国也已成为新的海洋研究大国和强国。从海洋科技合作来看,合作内容不断深化,合作网络正在扩大,国家之间的联系也在加强和变化。截至2022年,海洋科技合作平台不断完善,全球立体海洋观测系统、全球实时海洋观测网、海洋高频雷达等海洋科技合作平台参与国家越来越多,已经实现了不同程度的数据共享。我国积极参与海洋科技... 展开



Abstract:This report mainly analyzes the current status and development of international cooperation in marine science and technology. The analysis reveals that during the period from 2017 to 2021,developed countries in Europe and America played a pivotal role in international marine research. With China continuously increasing in investment in the field of marine research,China has also emerged as a new major player and strong nation in mar... 展开

Abstract:This report mainly analyzes the current status and development of international cooperation in marine science and technology. The analysis reveals that during the period from 2017 to 2021,developed countries in Europe and America played a pivotal role in international marine research. With China continuously increasing in investment in the field of marine research,China has also emerged as a new major player and strong nation in marine research. In terms of marine science and technology collaboration,international cooperation in marine technology has been deepening,resulting in an expanding collaborative network. Connections between nations have been growing and evolving. As of 2022,marine science and technology collaboration platforms have been steadily improving. More nations are participating in platforms such as the Global Three-Dimensional Ocean Observation System,Global Real-Time Ocean Observation Network,and Marine High-Frequency Radar,and varying degrees of data sharing have been achieved. China has actively engaged in marine science and technology collaboration and has achieved significant accomplishments in cooperative mechanisms,collaborative platforms,and the establishment of joint marine research centers.




